Saturday, September 21, 2019

Manufacture of water purifiers and filtration systems

Manufacture of water purification and filtration systems has become a major business in the industrialized countries of our planet. Companies that manufacture water purification and filtration systems in the US UU. They send them to developing countries. Foreign companies that manufacture water purification and filtration systems ship them to the United States. UU.

Some of these water purification and filtration systems are intended for municipal water treatment, while others are designed for domestic use. Everyone must at least comply with the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. Companies that manufacture water purification and filtration systems for use in the United States UU. They must also comply with EPA and FDA regulations.

U.S. Government Standards UU. EPA requires two different levels of "cleaning" of water for purification and filtration systems.

* Filtration systems: any type of aosmith water purifier system must remove at least 99.99% of bacteria, chemicals and other pollutants. Filtration systems must also remove lead and other harmful metals and minerals. This is considered "4 Log" or simple filtering.

* Purification Systems: All water purification systems must reduce "7 Log" contamination. If you have a "7 Log" pollutant reduction, your cleaner has removed 99.99999% of bacteria, chemicals and other pollutants.

What this means to you

If you participate directly in the manufacture of water purification and filtration systems, it means that all your products must be of high quality and require constant testing to ensure that they meet government standards. All your filtration systems must remove the appropriate percentage of pollutants as well as your purifiers. You cannot sell a filtration system and claim it purifies water. Everyone must meet EPA requirements.

If you do not participate directly in the manufacture of water purification and filtration systems, the difference between purifiers and filtration systems may seem minimal. It looks like it doesn't matter if you buy a purifier or water filtration system. At a glance, removing 99.99% or 99.9999% of the pollution may not seem like a big difference.

However, this means that a purifier must be a thousand times (1000 x) as efficient as a filtration system. To put it another way, you have the opportunity to choose how clean your water wants. Are you happy to remove only "1 error" from your glass of water and leave 999 errors there? Or would you rather remove "1000 bugs" from your glass of water? Drinking water purifiers should provide you with super clean water, even in the most polluted and dangerous circumstances.
Image result for water purifier
Challenge to manufacturers

Our challenge for manufacturers is to make clean water available to anyone who needs it. Manufacturers should work to reduce production costs for water purification and filtration systems to make them more accessible in remote areas and underdeveloped countries. People in these countries are in dire need of filtration systems, while in developed countries we have a lot of drinking water flowing from our municipal water supply. However, those in need often cannot afford clean water given the current costs of water purification and filtration systems.

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